Shelter, Back to Godhead, Calling Hours, No Plan, at Chain Reaction, Anaheim, 4/14/2024

Shelter Chain Reaction flyer

The final show of the Revelation Records Southern California weekend of April, 2024 saw Shelter take the stage at famed Anaheim venue Chain Reaction, with support from Back To Godhead, Calling Hours, and No Plan. While it may have been the last night of an exhausting weekend for the band members, many of who had played two, three, or more (Sammy Siegler) sets, you’d never know by the buzz of positive energy and excitement that surrounded the show.

Opening the evening was all-star Orange County punk band, No Plan, fronted by Eva Hall of Power Alone, and featuring members of Ursula, Amendment 18, and Headcount. Powerful punk with a strong social message, No Plan kicked off the night with an energetic set that really set the tone for an evening of fun.

Fronted by Popeye Vogelsang of Farside and featuring members of East Coast hardcore band Don’t Sleep, Calling Hours took the stage and delivered an awesome set of superbly executed melodic hardcore. With upbeat riffs and melodic choruses, Calling Hours filled the room with an infectious energy that had heads nodding and hips swaying throughout the crowd.

In the moments before their set, Back to Godhead vocalist Javier Van Huss took a moment to lead the crowd, which included many devotees of Krishna, in a chant. As Javier’s joyful words echoed throughout the room, the crowd danced and many joined in the chant, including Porcell of Shelter, garnering cheers and even more enthusiasm from the already jubilant crowd. As the chanting came to a close, Javier returned to the stage to lead the band through a blistering set that shook the room as bodies packed the dance floor and clamored to sing along. The set left everyone in the room energized and ready for the headliners yet to come.

By the time Shelter took to the stage, the room was filled with positive energy and excitement. As soon as the crowd heard the distinctive introduction to “Message of the Bhagavat,” they began to move in time with the music, the pit beginning to form and open up. In an adorable moment, vocalist Ray Cappo instructed a friend’s young son on how to make his first stage dive, delivering sage advice that even a few seasoned vets of the pit might benefit from. (No really, you can’t just stand there.) After nearly an hour on stage, the band broke into their final song of the night, “Shelter,” and once again the room was in motion, the crowd going wild as band members stage dove and Ray led the entire room in a call and response of the lyrics. As an amazing show and weekend came to a close, everyone in the room may have been exhausted but their hearts were full and spirits lifted, the Revelation Records SoCal weekend a resounding success.



Photos: Matt TxF



Back to Godhead


Calling Hours

No Plan


Author: Nikki
Former editor at Inked Magazine and contributor to a wide variety of art and media publications over the years, Nikki founded Today Forever in 2022 as a love letter to the music and scene she has been fortunate to be involved in for the better part of a lifetime.